Events & Whats going on
Coastal Challenge Series
Every Thursday starting May 5th we host a training series in Richmond BC. The race sign on opens at 5:30 pm we have racing for all categories as well we offer a learn to race program. Race is located at Riverside industrial park
take N05 Rd to Machrina then left on Horseshoe way you're there! The Start finish is at Horseshoe Pl & Horseshoe Way. (See Google map link below)
Click here to download race registration form
Learn to Race clinics
A 4 week LTR program provides cyclist with a comprehensive overview of racing. It includes group rides, proper bicycle set up, Competitive group riding, race simulation, tips on hydration and nutrition for competition.Once you have finished the 4 week LTR clinic you’ll be ready to compete!
register on Line:
Google map or Thursday Challenge Series